Ìàéêë Áóð'ÿíèê íà çóñòð³÷³ ³ç ñòóäåíòàìè SEGÌàéêë Áóð'ÿíèê ³ç ñòóäåíòàìè â ãåîëîã³÷íîìó ìóçå¿×ëåíè ñåêö³¿ SEG (2004ð.)Âèïóñêíèê-ãåîô³çèê (1997) Ï. ß. ×îëà÷Â. ². Ñêîðèê çà çéîìêîþ ñåêö³¿ SEG














Registration  UA

Conference programme 2007










With 1996 a department is the associated member EAGE (European association of geoscientists and engineers), with 1999 - Associations for by geophysical research in mining holes (ADS).

In 2002 first on Ukraine a student section SEG (Society of exploration geophysicists) Kyiv University Geophysical Society was founded.

A creative scientific concord with Institute of Mechanics of im is carried out. By T.S.Timoshenco NAN of Ukraine, Institute of geophysics of NAN of Ukraine, the Russian university of oil and gas name I.M.Goubkina (Moscow), Institute of physics of SV WOUNDS, Center of GEON im. V.V.Fedinskiy, by the geological and physical faculties of MGU names M.B. Lomonosov, Institute of Physics of Earth names Otto Shmidta (Russia), Academy of sciences of republic Byelorus sia, Academy of sciences of republic Moldova, the Polish academy of sciences by the physics–mathematical faculty of university of Constanz (Germany), Livermort nuclear laboratory (The USA), Peking university (China).

Close relationships with PDRGP «Pivnichgeologiya», UkrDGRI, KP «Kirovgeologiya», DGP «Ukrgeofizika» and other production organizations of geological type on the base of which students pass production practices.

Branch of department of geophysics and involved in a scientific-pedagogical process leading scientists:
Alexander Vladimir Kendzera (deputy of director of Institute of geophysics of NAN of Ukraine, zav. branch of department)

Vladimir Nick Shouman (professor, doct. phys.-ìath. sciences., Institute of geophysics of im. S.I.Soubbotin NANU)

Alexander Andrey Trypylsky (professor, doct. phys.-ìath. sciences, Institute of geophysics of im. S.I.Soubbotina NANU)

Boris Peter Maslov (professor, doct. phys.-ìath. sciences, Institute of mechanics of im. T.S.Timoshenko National Academy of sciences of Ukraine)

George Costyantinovich Tyapkin (professor, doct. phys.-ìath. sciences, the Ukrainian state geological survey institute (UkrDGRI))

Oksana Arnoldivna Chorna (associate professor, cand. doct. phys.-ìath. sciences, Institute of geophysics was name S.I.Soubbotin NANU)

General scientific projects and programs.

1. A general scientific project with Institute of geology and geophysics of SV WOUNDS is Development of seism-acoustic method of control of the tense state of environment (scientific leaders: from a department - prof. G. T. Prodayvoda, from Institute - academician of WOUNDS And. And. Alexeev). This project was executed on a penniless basis during all 5-years period. The monograph given out is a job performance (see a previous section);

2. A department in 1999 took part in implementation of scientific researches on a general with the Livermort nuclear laboratory (The USA) project Seismic safety of the atomic stations of Ukraine ( leader from a department - dots. S. A. Vyzhva);

In 2002 a treaty with Institute of geophysics of the Polish academy of sciences on implementation of common scientific researches from a project is concluded Comparative description of magnetic properties of different types of soils of Ukraine from unpolluted and muddy territories. A project is financed by organization NATO (Brussels). Scientific leader from the department of docent A. V. Suhorada.

In educational process the departments took part foreign specialists:

• Representative of American association of oil geologists of Gofman; (1998).
• Doctor Stefanson (The USA) - 1999
• Doctor T. Harama (Japan) - in 2000
• Corresponding Member of Russian AN A.O. Glico (in 2002).


Internships passed in foreign educational establishments:

prof. Yu. K. Tyapkin (university of the state Utah, the USA, 2000)
docent. S. A. Vyzhva (university Constanz of (Germany, 2002).

Studied abroad:
student of the IV course of group of geophysicists V. I. Skoryk (Germany, 2003)
student of the IV course of group of geophysicists A. P. Tyshenko (Germany, 2004)

Relations with foreign organizations will be realized, mainly, through their visit by the employees of department and common implementation of international projects and programs.

On the department of geophysics in 2002-2003 years the employee of the Peking university Õ passed internship. Li, which specializes in the region of ecological researches of soils by geophysical methods (scientific leader of dots. A.V. Souhorada).

Director UkrDGRI Mihaylo D. Krasnozhon and prof. Yuriy K. Tyapkin in surroundings of ex-president of SEG Mike Bahorich (right) and operating a president SEG Peter M. Douncan (on the left) before a stand UkrDGRI at a 73th Conference SEG (Dallas, Texas, the USA, 2003)

Manager of department geophysicists S.A. Vyzha with a professor G.Shotts and manager of department of quantum theory of the field S.I. Vilchinskiy 

Due to the Internet it is possible to obtain information about international conferences and socialize with geophysical organizations:

1.     European Geosciences Union (EGU -), annually holds conferences in Nice (France) http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/EGU.html

2.     American Geophysical Union (AGU -), connects a plenty of scientists from a whole world: www.agu.org

3.     The council of Canada of natural and engineering researches (NSERC - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada) is engaged in internship and carrying out research of scientists of whole world in Canada: http://www.nserc.ca


©® 2006 KUGS SEG
© 2006 Alexey Danilov