Letter of gratitude
Dear presidents SEG and GAC
Thanks to active activity of Michael Burianyk in February 2002 on Ukraine was the first student section SEG is founded - Kyiv University Geophysical Society. It operates on the department of geophysics in the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University in the capital of Ukraine - city Kyiv, history of which counts 1523 years. Ten best students received journals: Geophysics, The Leading Edge and other geophysical information. It enables to acquaint students, teachers and engineers with new researches in geophysical science and its application in world practice.
By the SEG program for a new section the selection of sum is $2000 for the computer equipment. On these facilities we acquired a computer with CD-RW, color laser printer, scanner and digital camera. Now wide possibilities appeared at the students of section. Due to the computer the access appeared to Internet. On PC it is possible to set software on the geophysical data processing. It, undoubtedly, will extend knowledges and skills at students in area of interpretation of data of geophysics. Possibility of record on CD-RW allows to write down presentations for presentation of current and diploma works, geophysical information. Scanner allows quickly to enter raster materials and text for subsequent his translation. It allows quick to study the papres in a different languages. A digital camera can be used for the survey of geological objects, fixing of work of section, meeting with geophysicists and visit of conferences. Acquisition of the color laser printer, which give the presentation of materials of photographic quality of moisture resistant and long saving a color images on a new level, is substantial. It allows to design works with high quality for the grant of them in journals, for posters at a conference and for creation of stands about work of section. A computer class at us is on faculty, where students have an access to the Internet, and scanner, printer and digital camera was not present for the free use. Thanks to the bought equipment the possibilities of section and information about her will be multiplied. It will interest other students, will strengthen authority of geophysics, the SEG organizations and to appear the desire to work is yet better.
Now geology on Ukraine experiences the not best times. The volumes of researches grow short, very slowly a geophysical apparatus brushes up, the creative collectives of employees grow short, and young people go in geology not very gladly. The necessity of reformation of geological industry on world standards ripened therefore. Its dependence on financing is the characteristic feature of development of geology not only, but also from the level of the personnel training for industry. Therefore, thanking, to the SEG support at students appear wide to possibility to study development of geophysics in a whole world and find information, contacts, people, grants, internships and, even, workplaces. It is especially actually in our time, when the globalization of world association develops by high rates.
In 2004 is 60 years to the department of geophysics and 170 years Kyiv University, therefore gift for a section very by the way.
We thank employees SEG, GAC, and also Michael Burianyk for the real help in the increase of economic and scientific possibilities of SEG section, and as a result, in-plant training of students of geophysicists in Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University.
Pavlo Gryshchuk
Faculty advisor of student SEG
Student President's review of section SEG
The student section of the society of exploration geophysicists (SEG) Kyiv University Geophysical Society, which was established in 2002, enrolls the best students who want to acquire good training and plan to pursue scientific careers in the future or to become full-fledged specialists in their field.
The Society provided a computer for our section, due to which scientific data search and processing was substantially facilitated for us. The section promotes development of the students’ scholar potential, since it provides them with access to the most recent special periodicals and thereby promotes awareness of the most pressing issues in geophysics.
The members of the section have opportunity to consort with geophysicists from other countries. In September 2004 a meeting with Ukraine’s curator within the SEG Michael Buryanyk (Ph.D.) has taken place. He reported on the opportunities to acquire geophysical education in Canada and answered to all the questions. The members of the section conducted a tour of Geology Department (lecture halls, IT Center, and geological museum). On the whole the meeting lasted for five hours, and both students and teachers were very satisfied with it.
There was also a presentation of Landmark Inc. arranged at the Geology Department in November 2004 which was attended by students and teachers as well. The president of the section Andriy Tyschenko was directly involved into the presentation. The listeners were left content with the meeting with the Landmark Inc. representatives.
Moreover, the members of the section participate actively in international conferences. M.Reshetnyk, A.Tyschenko, and P.Kuz’menko read their theses at the yearly international scientific conferences “Monitoring of Dangerous Geological Processes and Ecological Conditions of the Natural Environment” in October 2003, 2004, and 2005. In addition, A.Tyschenko and P.Kuz’menko spoke at the First International Scientific and Technical Conference for young scholars “The Pressing Issues of the Development of the Oil Industry” in December 2005 (Puscha-Vodytsya, organized by “Naukanaftogaz” associated company of “Naftogaz Ukrainy”).
In March 2005 a meeting with Pavlo Cholach was arranged. He is a 1995 graduate of the geophysics chair of our university. From 1999 to 2005 he pursued Ph.D. degree at the University of Alberta, Canada. At the moment he works at the BP Inc. It was very interesting meeting because Pavlo Cholach had experience of studying at both Ukrainian and Canadian universities. He told about differences in educational patterns between Canada and Ukraine, about life overseas, current developments in geophysical researches and answered to all the questions. Beside students, there were many teachers attending the lecture too.
It is doubtless that the membership in the section creates better opportunities for further employment, since professional expertise of its SEG members is constantly growing. For instance, Andriy Tyschenko, a member of the section, won a fellowship for research and study at the University of Konstanz (Germany, 2004) that helped him greatly to write and defend his B.A. thesis (2004). V.Skoryk, also the section’s member, took internship in Germany (Freiberg, Germany) and is pursuing M.A. degree today.
Half of the SEG section members entered also the AAPG section, because geophysicists, exploration seismologists in particular, are very often engaged into oilfield prospecting and exploring.
I am very grateful to Pavlo Ivanovych Gryshchuk and Michael Burianyk.