We will acquaint you with methodical and scientific materials to which participating composition of section SEG. To last publication noticed:
Geophysical education and science at the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University (to 60-anivesery of geophysics department) (In Ukrainian).
S. A. Vizhva, P. I. Gryshchuk, E. G. Korovnychenko, M.V. Reva, G. T. Prodayvoda. – Kyiv University, 2005. – 312 p.
ВIn this book is told about the modern sutation, pages of history and stages of development of geophysics department of geological faculty in the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National university. Short biographic information is resulted about teachers and employees of department, lists of all graduating students of department for 1949-2004.
A book will be interesting for teachers, teachers, graduate students, students, everybody, who is interested in history of geological education and science in Ukraine.
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>>> http://seg.univ.kiev.ua/book
2. Training aids on geological practice (In Ukrainian) /
P. I. Gryshchuk, D. V. Sergeev, D. V. Kravchenko. –Kyiv University, 2005. – 173 p.
It is told about general approaches for skills of geological mapping, conducting of geophysical survey and hydrological researches. The structures of the field diaries, elements of bedding and description of the field geophysical apparatus, are resulted. On the example of the Carpathians region the field material which is used for conducting of geological mapping is presented. In a manual a lot of graphic and tabular material are resulted.
For teachers and students of geological faculty.
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Interpretation of magnetic anomalies in the automated mode (In Ukrainian) /
K.O. Gura, P. I. Gryshchuk – Kyiv University, 2000. – 155 p.
In a manual the ground of possibility of creation of the automated system of search of initial magnetic model for three-dimensional and infinitely elongated geological bodies is laid out that its development. On real examples the program "Magnet",
which executes smoothing of observation data, forming of model database, search of primary source and his optimization, is described. It is calculated for the students of geophysical specialities.
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Methodical guideline from educational geophysical practice (In Ukrainian) /
P. I. Gryshchuk, V. M. Kurganskiy – Kyiv University, 2004. – 42 p.
In the methodical pointing the plan of practice is pointed, tasks of every geophysical method and his literature. Computations for the gravitation and magnetic supervisions are led. Resulting maps are resulted from electrometry and radiometry, and also seismograms.
For students and teachers of geophysical speciality.
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